Burning the Future: Coal in America dramatically documents the devastating environmental, health and social impact our addiction to coal has on West Virgina, where mountaintop removal mining has obliterated 1.4 million acres of mountains and polluted the groundwater. The film profiles the courageous West Virginians who challenged the powerful coal industry, and launched a valiant fight to arouse the nation's help in protecting their mountains, saving their families, and preserving their way of life.
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“burns through the 'clean coal' rhetoric, showing the harsh truth of the coal story.”
- SIERRA CLUB / Bruce Niles, Director, National Coal Campaign

As we witnessed in Burning the Future: Coal in America, coal plays an enormous role in the daily life and functioning of the United States, and with it comes some serious problems. This guide provides information about coal, its effects on health and the environment, global warming, ways people can take action in their daily lives, and a section specifically designed for those opposing a problematic mining operation or a coal plant where they live.